Thursday, June 21, 2012

66 Days: Crazy

Triathletes are a special breed. Some would say they are a little crazy...

I don't get it. Everyone loves early Saturday morning brick workouts. Wait...most people don't go to bed early on Friday night just so they can get up at 5:30 and be riding their bike at 6 on Saturday morning? Weird...

What about doing it again on Sunday but with a 2 hour fun-run? No? Oh, I see what's going on here. The people who sleep in aren't normal. Why would you sleep when there are long workouts to be done?

Okay, fine, triathletes are nuts. Crazy. Obsessed. *Fill in your own adjective here*

Call me what you want but I look forward to my 5 a.m. workouts every morning (except Fridays-Rest day!!!!). I look forward to sitting on my bike for 4, 5,or 6 hours on Saturday and then going right into a run. The thing is, I'm not alone. There are other people up at those times. Other people who are logging early morning miles or getting that second workout in after work. People who skip lunch to swim 1500 meters or hop on the bike trainer for an hour.

See, I'm not crazy. Not at all. Just know that the longer the distance of a triathlete's upcoming race, the more dedication they will have. Yup, dedication is not insanity.

Anyone going to meet me on the roads this weekend? I think I'll ride 5 hours before lunch on Saturday.

Happy training!


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