Friday, July 8, 2011

Last Day of Class

After some thinking, I decided that today was my last day of Spanish class. I feel like this was the best time for me to stop. I completed one section, started a second and got one week free. However, I never used that one week, which would have been next week. I did transfer to someone else for a little bit of money though. Got to love that!

Just finished up an amazing bike ride. It was only 45 mins of big gear work but the traffic light were all in my favor today which led to little stopping and a solid higher heart rate. Yesterday I went on a hour run in the morning. I managed to get 7 miles in with a number of stop light issues. I also barely avoided an American who was rounding a corner as I was running up a hill. You ask how I know she was American? The first two words that came out of her mouth as I almost ran through her were "Holy F*@k!" Let me know if you think I may be rushing to judgement on that one. Definitely a funnier part of my day.

I am not sure what I will be doing with my free time now. Cole and Judith arrive on the 14th? 15th? Not sure which one so I bet I see them quite a bit, but I did hear Judith may have been procrastinating on a paper and I wont see her for like a week. I do plan on making Cole run with me. It'll be my payment to him for helping me with my poker skills, which currently don't exist. Also, David (my roommate) and Sara (fellow ME) are coming the following weekend for a few days so running them around should keep me busy as well.

This summer has blown by so far but I am starting to miss a few things back home. However, I know this may be the last opportunity for an experience like this so I want to make the most of every day!

Now for some photos:
The results of the octopus dinner from a few weeks ago

My bike store

Selling porn in front of the book store, at the train station.

Train station

I hope everyone is doing great!


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