Friday, July 22, 2011

Three Weeks

I apologize for the long wait between posts. I would hate for my more loyal readers to be upset about not knowing my whereabouts while in Spain!

Cole and Judith arrived without a hitch. But they sure did crash hard once they got to their apartment which is just a short 5 minute walk from here. They slept most of the afternoon. From that points on, we have had a few late nights and some rather delicious meals. Cole and I have played poker together and done well, while Judith has been working on a term paper due at the end of the week. It is nice to have some people around that live so close now. Also, I will be moving in with Cole for my last week in Spain. I figured I should go out the way I arrived

Today Dave, one of my roommates from home, and Sara, one of my classmates, arrive in Barcelona via train at 2:46. I am very excited to see them both and have been looking forward to a rather adventurous weekend. They have been running around Europe for the last 2 weeks and have made Barcelona their final destination. I hope I can keep them entertained!

Training has been going pretty well. Swimming has suffered because I have not been able to get to the beach for the most part, but both biking and running have become strong. Today is a 75 min run with tempo work. It should be rather fun. Plus, I am buying new running shoes before it!

Speaking of the ocean, yesterday Cole, Alli, Andres, Gabriella and myself went to Castelldefels for an afternoon at the beach. The weather was perfect and the water was fantastic. I will miss the easy drives or walks to the water. Too bad Kansas doesn't have an ocean!

Trying to stay awake on their first night

Going to work

Andres making lunch


At the beach

I hope everyone is doing well! I will update soon about this weekend with Dave and Sara!


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