Thursday, May 3, 2012

115 Days: Reality of Keeping A Blog

I started out writing this blog with the intention of posting everyday. However as you may have noticed, the week has lacked posting. Not to mention some of the articles have included simple workouts, with no other significant information. This is going to change.

I am going to update the blog hopefully twice a week. It will include information on my diet and weight progress, key workouts that are to be completed and just about anything else I see fit.

I will be away from home for the next 3 days due to a bachelor party. The previous week I had been out of town for a business conference. I was able to keep up with my run training during these past days but I don't plan on doing anything but beer curls for the next few days. The diet will be in shambles and the legs will be aching to run but this is how the days will be.

While in Tempe, AZ I was able to get a couple good 30-60 min runs in before my sessions began each day. The weather was much dryer than I am used to and along with the heat and wind, you would barely develop a standing sweat. I would get back to my hotel room and still be dry because the sweat had been pulled away so quickly. It was strange but nice to not have a soaked shirt hanging off of me.

The hotel did have a long pool but not one that was suitable to swim laps in. I tried but after each flip turn and rise back to the surface I'd be 4 strokes from the next wall. There were also a number of shops in the area that rented road bikes but with an inconsistent schedule, I was hoping for a spin bike or the like at the hotel. The gym ended up only having an older recumbent which was something I have no interest in.

So you can see that this 10 days stretch is pretty hard on my workout schedule. But it'll be okay; I've got 115 days until the Ironman and 38 until my next half.

Happy training!


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