Sunday, May 27, 2012

91 Days: Time

Time management.

It has always been something that has factored in to my life with significant priority. Those that know me realize that I like to be early (10 mins or so) and I dislike change of plans. Now I say that, but some days I have nothing planned so any 'change' is welcome.

Now the whole purpose of writing a blog is to keep those who read it up-to-date with what is going on with my training and offer any advice that I could see being useful. What good is the blog when it is not updated for about three weeks? You nailed it; it's not very good.

People have any number of reasons for being busy: work, school, kids, etc. My reason for not updating the blog was due to laziness. After working out each night, following work, the last thing I would want to do is type out something not worth reading.

So what am I getting at here?

It's okay to be busy! Don't fret over missed workouts or workouts that don't go well.

Realize that you are probably not a professional athlete and may never be. You are not expected to hit every workout on schedule. Flexibility is your friend. Accept being flexible (I am working on this). Do your best to get your workouts in  and work hard but don't stress out. It will do no good.

I will post again soon. Promise!

Happy training!


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