Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 2

Started the day off with a run at the Student Rec Center. It was a little chillier than I would have liked this morning so I figured 30 minutes around the indoor track wouldn't be too boring. I did some intensive stretching on my calves prior to the run because they were sore and tight from yesterday. The run was supposed to be RPE 2-3 but I was hoping to run the soreness out of my legs. The first two miles paced at 7:35. Not too bad if you ask me. I then slowed it down to a 9:15 pace. No need to trash the legs when just getting back into the training mode.

I followed the run up a few hours later with an easy 60 minute bike ride on the trainer. The ride called for RPE 2 and to keep the bike in the low gear. I was without a trainer however so I took the Jamis onto the rode. The ride was very easy, just a few laps around the neighborhood. More then anything, it stretched out my legs and let me enjoy some fresh air. I cut the ride a few minutes short because my rear tire kept falling out alignment and rubbing the frame and brake pad. This will be taken care off before the next ride.

Overall, it was a pretty good day.

See you tomorrow.

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