Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 8

Ill be honest. I did not want to get up this morning. 5 o'clock came way too early and there was a complete lack of motivation in my body. Somehow I manged to get up and get out of the house by 5:30 though. I ran a solid 40 mins at a 7:55 pace. I decided to pick it up a little today even though my plan calls for me to keep taking it easy for another week. At almost 5 miles, I was pretty content.

Swimming this after was long. Started off with 4x100m to warm up, followed by 4x400m. My 100m split times were pretty consistent at 1:27. I finished the day with 2x150m of pulling. The shoulders are a little worn out but they still feel great

I did notice this evening that my left hip is a little sore, almost pulled. In addition to that, the left knee is achy per the usual. Oh well. I have a run in the morning. Wish me luck.

See you tomorrow.

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