Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 5

Today started off a little rough. Let's just say that I stayed out a little too late last night and drank a little too much. Thus, my workouts were pushed to the afternoon. 

I first had a race-specific swim which started off with a 400m continuous warm up. The second 50 of each 100 was only kicking. that was then followed up with 8x100 EBEH (easy,build,easy,hard). The swimming was not too bad but I could definitely feel the effects of the night before.

I got home and waited about 30 mins before doing my easy trainer ride. It was a 45 min ride with the first and last 15 mins in the small gear and the middle 15 in the high gear. The ride was very easy. I was thankful that Armageddon was on TV to keep me going.

Tomorrow is an off day so I may get on and talk about some of my gear and what not.

See you later.

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