Thursday, June 23, 2011

Festival de San Juan

It has been a number of days since I have posted so I figured I would update the good ol' blog.

Two nights ago I got sick off something I ate/made for dinner. I am not sure what made me sick, but my meal had no meat in it. Maybe it was the amount of onions and peppers and olive oil and whatever else. Anyway, I spent most of the night in the bathroom which was just a thrilling experience. I am sure you can imagine.

Friend for the night
 I woke up the next and put on a happy face and headed to class. Unfortunately, the stomach was still not feeling well and I opted for the early exit. I fell asleep on my bed for the next three hours until Andres called and wanted to see if I wanted to go to the beach. As nice as the weather was, I was severely dehydrated and the last thing I needed was to be out in the sun for any number of hours. I did however get up and head to the store in search of some Sprite. Sprite has been known to calm my stomach on a number of occasions and this one was no different. I drank four cans throughout the evening and managed to eat a few pieces of bread right before bed.

My savior
And for those of you who did not know, yesterday (the 22nd), was Big D's birthday(Dad)! Man, I can't believe he is 53! He doesn't look a day over 52! Happy Birthday Dad! I hope you liked my gift and the fact that I called you at 7:30 in the morning! Hahaha

Birthday boy!
Class today was rather difficult. I couldn't focus in during the second half of discussion which led to some stupid responses and a few laughs. Oh well, I still enjoy going! I just finished up a this afternoon. Now some of you must think I am crazy for running the day after being sick but I feel that pushing myself for an hour was a good thing. Now I just need to re-hydrate and prepare myself for the evening. 

As the title says, tonight is the Festival of San Juan, which is also the Summer Solstice. It is the shortest night of the year and the celebration happens because it is the triumph of light over dark. To keep it basic, today is the last day of class for most kids, tomorrow is a holiday for workers, and coincidentally everyone spends the night at the beach shooting off fireworks and drinking the hours away. I am curious to see what all goes down but from the sound of it, I will not be getting much sleep because everyone shoots fireworks off for the duration of the night.

Also, my friend Danielle is coming to Barcelona for the evening from France so it will be fun to see someone from home.

Speaking of which, Allison finally arrives tomorrow! I am so excited! She gets here just after 1 in the afternoon and I will be waiting for her at the airport! We plan  on being in Barcelona for only 2 days before we set off for Seville for 5. I figured it would be fun to see a different side of Spain before she got settled into Barcelona. She has 6 weeks to see this city. It should be an amazing time!

Time to head out for the evening! Hope you all are doing well!


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