Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 23

Today has been pretty good even though I slept poorly last night. Between my room being quite hot and just not feeling tired, I was restless all night long.

I woke up and hit my run hard. I did 3.75 in 30 mins very comfortably. I am to the point where I am going to start pushing my pace more. I can run 8 min miles all day and I really wish to get to 7's before my next 70.3. This evening I followed the run with a 60 minute bike ride on the trainer. The Royals' game was on TV and with the level of humidity outside, the trainer seemed like an excellent option. However, my front deraileur cable came loose and took away my large ring. I kept a varying pace throughout the ride and worked in about 20 mins of aero position.

The Powerbar Perform and Restore have kept me feeling fresh all day and I am really enjoying them.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 22

Yesterday I went out an bought a couple new supplements that I had seen and read about. They are the Powerbar Perform and Restore. I figured it was worth a shot to see if they would help my recovery and help to maintain my energy throughout the day. The purchased turned out to be very beneficial. Following my 5 mile run this morning(40 mins, 8:00) in which I was drinking Perform, I took Restore right after then again in two hours. I had never recovered so quickly from a run and I was definitely prepared for my afternoon swim.

I swam an 800m warm up (200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull, 200 swim) and then went into a 1x1500m which took me 25 mins. I then cooled down with 4x50m. During my rests, I was taking Perform and again following my swim, I took Restore. I have felt good all day and have yet to experience any sort of lull. Hopefully this stuff isn't just tricking me and tomorrow I will feel like crap. But overall, the first day on it has been great!

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 20 and 21

Day 20 was an off day so I spent the entire day off running around Lawrence and taking it easy.

Today, I ran 3 miles just as a light workout. My knee has been bugging me again so I thought it would be best to take it easy.

Tomorrow should be a good workout.

See you then.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 18 and 19

This whole blog thing is hard to keep up on. I promise I will do a better job.

Yesterday was my run day. Ran for a hour and hit 7.5 miles. At 40, 45, 50 and 55 I did 30 second strides to gas the legs some. I felt great throughout and was pretty happy with my pace.

Today started with a speed day in swimming. I warmed up with 300m front stroke and then began my sprints. I did 20x50m with the odds at RPE4 and the evens at RPE9. I was hitting 45s for the RPE4 and at 33s for the RPE9. I was pretty pleased with my results. I finished the swim with a 150m cool down.

This afternoon I hit the bike. I am beginning to get quite frustrated with my Jamis though. It seems like every time I fix something, It goes right back to the wrong place. First, my right elbow pad on my aerobars is constantly falling and I am always having to stop and fix it. It seems like no matter how tight I go, it just wont stay put. Second, my rear wheel will not keep its distance from the my frame, which leads to rubbing and one popped tire already. Today I had to stop twice to fix it. I just feel with the amount of money I spent on this bike I should be bothered by these inconveniences on every ride. I should have has a nice 45 min ride but unfortunately it was interrupted multiple times which is annoying.

See you tomorrow. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 16 and 17

Ill be honest. I fell off the training yesterday, but I do have a good excuse. I had an allergic reaction following a late afternoon snack which in turn led me to not get in either of my work outs. However, I did jump back on track today with a swim this morning.

My swim warmed up with 5x50, odds at 100% and evens recovery pace. I then followed that is 2x400m burst. The first was RPE4 and the second was RPE6. I felt very quick in the water. My first set came in at 6:22 but the second was at 6:07. Not too bad but I still know I got some more in the tank. I really want my 100m splits to be under 1:25. I finished the workout with a nice and slow 100m cool down.

Tomorrow is a run day! Can't wait!

See you later!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 15

Today was another one of those hectic days thus cutting a two-workout day down to one. With my senior year coming to an end, it sure is getting hard to get two work on these days.

I hit the rec this morning for a good run. I kept my pace right at 8:00 when not striding. I began with a 10 min warm up which was followed by a 20 second sprint. Every 5 min point from then on was another sprint. It felt pretty good up until the last sprint at 40 mins. Lets just say that was about all I had in me today. I was a little tired from staying up to watch President Obama talk about the killing of Osama bin Laden. Well worth the smaller amount of energy this morning.

I did skip my long swim today and I am not sure when I will make it up. Tomorrow night is a possibility but that would push my bike back a day. I start off with a 30 min easy run and I guess we will just see what I am able to get accomplished following my Finite Element Test.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 14

Today was a long bike day. My workout called for 90 mins on the bike. I left a little before one in the afternoon and headed north out of Lawrence. When I hit my turn around, I returned using a different route, which helped to add a view more miles to the ride. After 75 mins, I was back a home. I came up a little short on my time but the possibility of rain and the chilly air lead me to get home early. I average 3:11 per mile. Not too bad if you ask me. I also made sure to throw in some wicked hills to get the legs a good crushing. All said, the 24 miles or so were very nice.

See you tomorrow!