Sunday, April 22, 2012

126 Days

Today was going to be an off day but following yesterday's slow ride, I felt that I would get back on the bike and bang out some miles.

I wasn't going to do more than 30 mins of hard riding it order to have somewhat of an off day. I went out for 27 mins, and averaged 19.5 mph. Not too bad if you ask me. I also managed to hit 42 mph at one point on the ride (downhill, wind at my back).

In other news, I am slowly switching my diet but I'll write more on that tomorrow.

Happy training!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Drew - I've enjoyed reading about your workout! Sunday was a beautiful day here and it sounds like the perfect day for a bike ride in Big Mo. You'll be proud to know that I joined a 60 Day Exercise Challenge and am heading into the end of week 2. Knowing that you're out there working away is a big inspiration. Hopefully you'll see a little less of me next time we meet :) Keep up all the good work!!!
