Friday, April 13, 2012

136 Days: The Run

Running and I have a love/hate relationship. I believe this is the case for the majority of people. So it makes perfect sense that the best triathletes in the world are phenomenal runners. I'm not talking about someone who can run a five-minute mile. I'm talking people who can run six minute miles for 26.2 miles AFTER riding a bike for 112 miles. It's simply amazing. 

I grew up running quite a bit with being a wrestler. It was something you just did. You were never happy about it but you knew it was part of the process so you put your time in and worked hard. Slowly that mentality has changed in me. I enjoy the majority of my runs. That's right; the feeling after a good run is unlike anything else. For me, the best runs are when my knee doesn't hurt and I can knock of multiple sub-8 minute mile splits.

What does one need to be an effective runner? Well, it's really up to you. I would say a professionally fitted pair of shoes from a running store but then a barefooted runner would say otherwise. I'd also say that a quality music playlist is a must but then someone will mention that you can't have a mp3 player during races so why train with one. SO, I’ll tell you what I use. I wear Adidas Supernova Sequence shoes, size 12.5. I prefer to run in cutoff workout shirts, such as Nike's Pro Combat line. I use an Ipod shuffle filled with all sorts of music and a pair of Ipod headphones. I was using Yurbud earphones but unfortunately they don't hold up too well to the vigor of running. Ironic for a brand that is the 'Official Headphone of Ironman' or whatever they say. So once they started cutting out, I took the rubber attachments off and put them on Apple headphones. Ultimately I will go back to a more expensive pair such as Shure SE215's. They're amazing and I miss my old pair. Finally, add in some running shorts, sunglasses for outside runs and maybe a hat and you're all set for running. 

Now you just need a plan and a quality road/gym. To the people who run on treadmills every day, I applaud you. What a boring way to spend your workout. Trust me, I know this first hand. In fact, I had to do it tonight with my scheduled training session. Ugh...

Running is just like riding a bike in the fact that it doesn't come easy. You have to put in the time and miles. And do not forget about brick sessions. For those new to triathlons, a brick is when you immediately go from riding your bike to running just like in a race. The feeling is awkward and sometimes painful but it is necessary to experience prior to a race. There is nothing funnier than watching some wobble around when getting off a bike after 3 hours. I've been the person so I'm allowed to laugh at others. Don't judge me. 

I don't have much insight into the run. Everything I've learned is through friends, magazines, YouTube and I highly recommend their site. On that note...

Today's Workouts
  • Bike
    • 60 mins, easy pedaling, small ring
  • Results
    • 10 mins at 10 mph
    • 50 mins at 14 mph
  • Reflection 
    • It's hard for me to ride at 10 mph on the trainer. It's almost painful. 14 mph is much better. I sat in aero position for 45 mins and felt great.
  • Run
    • 50 mins, hilly course of treadmill, hit HR zone 3/4 on uphill and keep in 1/2 otherwise
  • Results
    • 10 mins on treadmill-steep incline, 6 mph
    • 20 mins on treadmill-flat 6 mph
    • 18 mins on indoor track
      • 1 lap sprint, 1 lap easy, averaged out to 6.7 mph pace
    • 2 mins easy walking
  • Reflections
    • My left IT band is still bothersome but getting better. I use a Velcro band to keep pressure on it and then make it tighter by wrapping it in athletic tape. It seems to do the job for most running workouts. The treadmill running felt great. I've adjusted my run so that I land more on my toes due to the IT band issue but this leads to more stress on my calves. The sprint work was good as well, minus having to run around people walking in the running lane of the track.
Overall today's work was solid. I am happy with my first week of training so far and am looking forward to my workouts this weekend. Tomorrow is an off day which will be great. 

Happy running!


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