Thursday, April 19, 2012

129 Days: IT Band Issues

A little video on IT Band Syndrome:

I've mentioned it in a earlier post but I have been struggling with an IT band injury. It happened towards the beginning of March and most likely was caused by over training. This can be compounded by improper cycling form, worn out running shoes or general bad form. The day I was in enough noticeable pain I went on a 3 hour bike ride followed by a 1 hour run. After a few more workouts, I opted to readjust my bike and a few days off.

Unfortunately the days off did not help but a knee wrap and athletic tape helped to put pressure on the band to prevent it from becoming inflamed. I then bought a foam roller and researched countless stretches and work outs to help strengthen my ITB.

Today I can say that it is not perfect but the annoyance has been significantly reduced.

And on that note...

Today's Workout

  • Run
    • 60 mins, hills at HR 3-4, flats at  HR 1-2
  • Results
    • 47 mins, 40 run, 7 walk, 4.6 mi
  • Reflection
    • Started out with a solid pace but mid way through the legs fell off and I milked it home. Another disappointing day for running
  • Bike
    • 60 mins, small gear, following run
  • Results
    • 45 mins at 16 mph
    • 15 mins at 14 mph
  • Reflection
    • I worked on keeping my cadence high through this ride and manage to hone in on the 80 rpm mark. The ride was solid and I was quite comfortable for having ran so poorly earlier. The bike is figuring the get much better for the next Half Ironman in June. Possibly sub 2:40, which would be great for me.
Tomorrow is an Off Day so don't expect too much from me!

Happy Training!


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