Wednesday, April 11, 2012

137 Days: Finding a Groove

Getting back into training after a week off is always tough. I had some meetings about an hour away this morning but I was able to get up and do some lifting a core. During my last training block I began to focus on weight training to help with all three triathlon disciplines. It seemed to work great and the results continue to impress me. I highly recommend working strength training into any plans you have.

After getting home I had a pretty good swim session. I used my new hand paddles for the first time and they really do make you have proper hand positioning. They also helped with the pull portion of my stroke.

This post is going to be short so let's cut to the workouts:

Today's Workout:

  • Weights and Core (AM)
    • Squat, 3 sets, 15-20 reps
    • Bent-arm press down, 3 sets, 15-20 reps
    • Leg Press, 3 sets, 15-20 reps
    • Seated Row, 3 sets, 15-10 reps
    • Leg Extensions, 3 sets, 15-20 reps
    • Hamstring Curls, 3 sets, 15-20 reps
    • Core Set #2, 2 sets
  • Results
    • I completed each lift by doing 3 sets of 20 reps. Typically there is a 60 second rest between lifts but I normally cut that down to 30-40 seconds to keep my heart rate someone elevated. I also completed both sets of core work.
  • Reflection
    • I was worried that not having lifted in two weeks would lead to soreness for the swim but that was not the case. All the lifts felt good and the core work was excellent. I did get pretty stiff during the day but that was easily stretched out.
  • Swim (PM)
    • Warm up: 
      • 300 yards easy
      • 6x50 yards with 15 second rest intervals
    • Main Set: 
      • 5x100, swim, moderate effort, 10 second rest intervals
      • 4x50, kick, moderate effort, 20 second rest intervals
    • Cool Down:
      • 200, easy swim
      • 50, pull with swim buoy
      • 50, easy swim
  • Results
    • I did all swim sets as instructed with no variations. I worked with my hand paddles during the warm up 300 and cool down 200.
  • Reflection
    • Swimming felt great. There was no shoulder or back straining and my stroke really moved me through the water. It's always a great pool sessions when you are the only one in the water. I live for those pool days. I am getting excited about being able to swim outside soon.
That's all I got today!


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