Monday, April 16, 2012

132 Days: Pre-workout

So true...
I feel like changing the format up today so first I'll start with my workouts:

  • Swim
    • Warm-up
      • 300 yd swim, 100 yd drill
    • Main Set
      • 300 pull using swim buoy/ 100 drill, repeat for 45 minutes
    • Cool Down
      • 100 yd swim
  • Results
    • Warm up: 250 yard swim
    • Main Set: 300 pull, 50 with hand paddles, 50 back kicking, repeated 5 times
    • Cool Down: None
  • Reflection
    • Overall the swim went great. I got 50 mins in with a total of 2250 yards. I did the pull efforts slower this week that last due to my shoulders being sore but it still was solid. 

  • Weights and Core
    • 3 sets, 15-20 reps:
      • Squat, Arm Pull down, Leg Press, Seated Row, Seated Butterfly, Hamstring Curls
    • Core
      • 2 sets of a pre-planned circuit
  • Results
    • Completed all workouts as planned but kept the squats and butterflies to 10 reps. Everything else was 20 reps for the 3 sets. Core was completed as planned
  • Reflections
    • My body was feeling quite tired but I was able to push on and get all the training in.

Now onto my topic for this blog: your pre-workout preparation. Every one does things a little different. Some go to the gym straight from work; others wait till after dinner. Myself, I go home after work and take a workout stimulant to increase and sustain my energy levels through each training session. This is somewhat equivalent to drinking a cup of coffee prior to a morning workout for some people. I also go over what my plan of attack for each workout is and the time necessary to be successful.

Some of you may be concerned about this workout stimulant. For the majority of my triathlon career I have used jack3d. It can be found at many nutrition stores, such as GNC, and the cost can vary between $26-$35. I also, as of today, have tried ACG3. Supposedly it is better formulated than  jack3d and comes with more servings per container. After only one day of taking it I have yet to establish an opinion. What these stimulants do in my case are cause an increase in my energy level, mainly due to the amount of caffeine, and concentrate my focus. I am yet to experience any sort of side effect from these products aside from taking them too late in the evening and not being able to go to sleep at normal time.

If you are looking for a boost in your workouts to push you through a wall, maybe one of these products could help. There are plenty of other options on the market so contact a nutritionist to find what is best for you.

Aside from the pre-workout drink, I also key in on certain stretches to preform and in recent weeks, certain muscles to be massaged out. Both have kept me from sustaining injuries during higher intensity workouts and I highly suggest taking the time to get your body warm. Most stretches can be performed at your desk while you finish up the day's tasks.

Everyone does their own thing before, after and during workouts to keep them going but I find what works best for me is a good pre-workout drink, a solid stretch and some great trance music!

Happy training!


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